What are Spins?

Jackpot Sit&Go:
Fast Paced Poker

Spin&Go, or Expresso, or Twister, or Spin&Gold have a name that varies from site to site, but they all have this in common: they’re fast paced (hyper turbo), and they give you a chance to win gigantic prizes.

They are three handed, which forces you to play a lot of hands, and require aggressive and quick decisions, offerring a high-speed, high-reward poker experience.

Spins are Three Handed Fast Paced Poker Tournaments

Life changing money

Although very rare, while playing Spin&Go, you have the opportunity to hit a giant jackpot that can change your life.

Be careful though, like a dragon protecting the treasure room, variance can also turn your dreams into ashes in a matter of seconds!

Knight in the Jackpot Room guarded by a dragon


This format is extremely deceptive, as your short-term results can vary a lot, giving you the impression that you’re either the best poker alive, or the worst one. But with a well thought-out strategy, and with enough games, you can reach long term winrates that are solid and reliable. The good part is, you don’t even need to hit the big jackpots for that!
Winning at Spin&Go is like being on top of mountains

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